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To anyone with a slight understanding of statistics it is of huge concern when the original data is not made available (or is even destroyed) and we are asked to believe instead some fancy computer model.

Bamm Bamm

Today the Maori Party Flip Flops like a pair of Jandals on the ETS bill.

New Zealanders will be destitute in their own country.
Where Ian - is this money meant to be going???


Among the issues of Investigate that had the smiling face of John Key on the cover ..

Do I not recall the issue where Ian had the photo of Winston Peters and others on the cover. I think his message was to be careful of the potential coalition partners.

Given the performance of both ACT and the Maori Party, it may be time for a follow up Ian!

Ha Ha Ha !!!

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scientific data from being released(2,3), and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request..

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my view including Mann. Anything less is an insult to the intelligence of the public of the world.

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Bombshell, another great bombastic post.

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No recuerdo el problema por el que Ian tenía la foto de Winston Peters y otros, en la portada. Creo que su mensaje era que tener cuidado con los posibles socios de coalición ........

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No recuerdo el problema por el que Ian tenía la foto de Winston Peters y otros, en la portada. Creo que su mensaje era que tener cuidado con los posibles socios de coalición.

Abercrombie Fitch

Monbiot calls on CRU head to resign and this is very informative.

keep it up

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