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Al Gore. The Great Moronic over exaggerator of Climate Change Alarmism. Can't be taken seriously anyway.

Claims 20Ft sea level rises, 90Ft or 140Ft. Now 220Ft.

His claims on AGW/CC don't and never will stack up in the 'Real World'!!

Thomas Everth

You guys must be so desperate for digging up crap that you now make it up as you go. Nowhere did Gore say what you made up here:
Gore said that the North Pole (floating ice) might melt in summer in 5 to 10 years - very possible indeed.

He never said that in that time frame Seal Levels would rise by 67meters.

That sea level rise would come of cause - as Gore points out in his movie - if the land based
ice masses of the Arctic (Greenland) and the Antarctic would melt.

This is once more an example of: An obscure Arab ISP juxtaposes two statements with leaving out the context, then the GW Deniers taking it further out of context and now fabricating outright nonsense. Next this will be cited by the Canada 'Free Press' or other right wing blogs.

Its like the child's game 'Silent Post' where one kid whispers a message into the next kids ears...


Whether or not Gore actually said those things, you're displaying a distressingly common 'blinkered' attitude.

The article quotes Gore as making those outrageous claims at a meeting held in Dubai. (Not in his movie or book)

Now were you there? Or did you read a transcript of this Leaders in Dubai Business Forum?

Your knee jerk rubbishing of this post, coupled with a blanket "GW deniers" seems a little amateurish, don't you agree? :-)

BTW, do you not understand Ian when he says it is agreed moderate warming has and will likely occur? Not too many "GW Deniers" here.

The issue is whether Man's emissions are at all likely to cause runaway (accelerating) GW.

Put away your shotgun!


"Gore said that the North Pole (floating ice) might melt in summer in 5 to 10 years - very possible indeed."

According to this:

UK Met Office backpedals on Arctic Ice – “…unlikely that the Arctic will experience ice-free summers by 2020.”

But they do say that “first ice-free summer expected to occur between 2060 and 2080″. By then there will be nobody that remembers this forecast.


Given that Gore Derangement Syndrome is so rampant in the denial community, I'd reserve judgement until I saw some sort of confirmation of what he said (a few more sources, or a transcript). One source (particularly non-English speaking) isn't nearly enough to start shouting and screaming (unless you suffer from GDS of course).



That, of course, is why I said:
Whether or not Gore actually said those things, you're displaying a distressingly common 'blinkered' attitude."

BTW: You appear to imply English speaking sources are more reliable than "non-English speaking" ones. Why is that?


Actually I didn't mean 'non-English speaking'. I meant a single unknown news source (first time I've ever heard of

Go to the link again. It's been corrected and it's now "6-7 metres".

This is knee-jerk GDS in action right here. Ian, Acid, and robk, you're right on the front line. Ooops.

This is EXACTLY why you don't trust a single news source on a story. You'd think they'd teach that at journalism school.....


There's a simple formula applicable to all Al's forcasts...
Intensity of bs is inversely proportional to degree of credibility.


Is this even serious?
Given the fact that it's from some Arab website that no one has ever heard of, I'm a little more dubious that I already was when I'd read Al Snore's name.
Hmm, Mohammad Al-Gore has a certain ring to it ... maybe 'climate change' is part of the Islamic war on the west as well! After all, who owns most of the oil ... ?

Thomas Everth

Al Gore bashers, read the post at Mactob again. Just as I said: Gore said two things: a) The north pole ice could be gone in 5 to 10 years. Quite possible indeed, and - b) that if the glacial ice sheets in Greenland and West Antarctic were to melt, sea levels would rise by 6 to 7 meters (for each of the regions ice sheets). Also a true statement as this can be estimated quite well.
So what's the fuss then?


This is all very illuminating.


"This is EXACTLY why you don't trust a single news source on a story. You'd think they'd teach that at journalism school....."

It's quite simple really.

The Amount of over exaggerrated Climate Change tripe being pumped out by the MSM and a number of these Climate Change Pseudo Scientist Alarmists, etc.

No wonder we're very dubious of the whole can of worms and falsities of AGW/CC Claims.

BTW: Al Gore's Hurricane predictions seemed to be another load of Bollocks aswell!


That's an explanation for putting aside one of the first rules of basic journalism? Um, I don't think so.


"That's an explanation for putting aside one of the first rules of basic journalism? Um, I don't think so."

The First rules of basic journalism are broken every day CM. With some of the worst examples of that in many articles on claimed AGW/CC and their Climate Change Alarmist proponents!

Put it this way.

It didn't surprise me if Al Gore might have said 220FT sea levels rises. Since he has already claimed up to 140Ft or has he not?


"The First rules of basic journalism are broken every day CM. With some of the worst examples of that in many articles on claimed AGW/CC and their Climate Change Alarmist proponents!"

The media are terrible at reporting on climate change. But that doesn't mean it's not happening, or that the scientific research isn't robust.

"Since he has already claimed up to 140Ft or has he not?"

That would be for you to look into and report back on.


"Complete melting of either the West Antarctic ice sheet or the Greenland ice sheet would today raise sea levels by 6–7 metres."

"Future sea-level rise is an important issue related to the continuing buildup of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, with the potential to raise sea level 70 meters if completely melted, dominate uncertainties in projected sea-level change.";310/5747/456


"Future sea-level rise is an important issue related to the continuing buildup of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, with the potential to raise sea level 70 meters if completely melted, dominate uncertainties in projected sea-level change."

Is that another computer model projection?


>>>>Is that another computer model projection?<<<<


"Fig 1. Relation between estimated atmospheric
CO2 and the ice contribution to eustatic sea
level indicated by geological archives and
referenced to modern (pre-Industrial Era)
conditions [CO2 = 280 parts per million by
volume (ppmV), eustatic sea level = 0 m]. The
most recent time when no permanent ice
existed on the planet (sea level = +73 m)
occurred 935 million years ago when atmospheric
CO2 was 1250 +/-250 ppmV."

In terms of timing, the authors state:

"Because the models used in these projections
lack some of the physical processes that
might explain the rapid rates of ongoing coastal
changes and lack the oceanic forcing responsible
for inducing these changes, previous estimates of
sea-level change may become lower limits if
ongoing speedups are sustained and eventually
become more widespread."

Again, scientists are generally quite conservative. The IPCC is very conservative because it's such a large group and they all need to agree.

Are you another one of those types that just pretend scientific studies and the IPCC ignore uncertainties?


>>>>With some of the worst examples of that in many articles on claimed AGW/CC and their Climate Change Alarmist proponents!<<<<

And yet you were only yo happy to unquestionably believe some (pretty obvious) misreporting sent around the world by Marc Morano, former communications director for the Republicans on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and right-hand climate-skeptic-man to Sen. James "global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" Inhofe.


Al Gores scientific 'advisor' Hansen did make a prediction 20 years ago. That the Riverside Hwy, close to Hansens office in Manhattan, would be 'under water' by about now . Prediction was made in 1988.

While doing research 12 or 13 years ago, I met Jim Hansen, the scientist who in 1988 predicted the greenhouse effect before Congress. I went over to the window with him and looked out on Broadway in New York City and said, “If what you’re saying about the greenhouse effect is true, is anything going to look different down there in 20 years?” He looked for a while and was quiet and didn’t say anything for a couple seconds. Then he said, “Well, there will be more traffic.” I, of course, didn’t think he heard the question right. Then he explained, “The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there.

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