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« Is this it for the IPCC? | Main | BREAKING NEWS: Major error found in flagship IPCC WG1 report »


Louie D

Yet another reason not to buy a hybrid car!!!

Gail Combs

Based on the goat ate my homework (NZ) and the dog ate my homework (UK), the citizens of the world were supposed to turn over tons of their hard earned wealth to the World Bank according to the "Denmark papers" leaked a Copenhagen.

All the ordinary people in the world owe a huge vote of thanks to the "UK Whistleblower" and the "Denmark Paper leaker"

As Bertrand Russell said
“Western populations would accept serfdom if it was packaged as saving the earth”

Seems the elite and their tame politicians took his message to heart and now at the eleventh hour the smelly mess has finally been revealed.


Global warmism is rapidly becoming a comical farce (it was always headed in that direction) of the Keystone Cops variety. This marks the end of this absurdity.


Much less depends on media sensationalism (in either direction) than you think. IPCC will still exist in 5 years time, and the next report will be written and, as happened in each previous incarnation, it will be better done than the last time. Scientists are mostly carrying with their jobs and the conversations with journalists, staffers, policy-makers and the public are continuing as they did. I'm sure that it's much more exciting to think about collapsing narratives and public relations disasters, but these things are not the substance of the issue and the vast majority of the people who are actually making decisions are well aware of that. Indeed, the evidence is the substance, not the media froth.


"next report will be written and, as happened in each previous incarnation"

CM- three year old niece could write a better report than the current incarnation. Saying that it could only improve is the understatement of the century.


The current incarnation is still really good. You're blatantly overstating the significance of these errors because it fits your narrative.


That's a ridiculous exaggeration. You've underlined my point nicely. Ta.


"The current incarnation is still really good."

Great, how many errors would need to be found before it is only OK instead of really good?


Gail Combs writes: "Seems the elite and their tame politicians took his message to heart and now at the eleventh hour the smelly mess has finally been revealed"

Yeah, and John Key and his lapdog Nick Smith have lost their sense of smell. Either that or they have put on gas masks.


CM you are now just sad.....


Unfortunately Nick Smith doesn't think all these developments are important. This am's interview on ZB showed that he still has faith in 'his scientists'.
I was interested in his comment that they might bypass the UN. This might be a clue to the future of Pachauri. If the UN is relegated to a bystander role whilst the G20 takes over, then perhaps Pachauri is a non issue.
What the NIWA debacle shows is that these records should not be protected by gatekeepers. Why not hand all the data collection and management over to the Stats Dept?
Just some thoughts...


>>>CM you are now just sad.....<<<

No I'm pretty happy. Thanks for your concern though.

John Boy

"Why not hand all the data collection and management over to the Stats Dept?"

Are they more reliable at not losing inconvenient stuff than other Govt controlled disorganisations? There is a bigger picture here than climate which is just a vessel to carry the ship of fools. If climate falls over something else will come along and when the time is right it will stick irrespective of its merits.


What experience and knowledge do the Stats Dept people have about climate? That might lead you to the answer.


Looks like your Govt has just signed up to the Copenhagen Accord. WTF?! How can they be that stupid? It's Helen Clark all over again!



Damn the government for not getting their science from blogs! What is the world coming to!?!


Damn the government for not getting their science from blogs! What is the world coming to!?!

It would be much more reliable to get it from some guy who heard another guy telling another guy that went to a conference in India about the Himalayas right CM?


Luke, when you need to rely on ridiculous exaggerations in every comment you make, it's a good sign that you're not being objective or rational.


CM - the main question is whether future IPCC reports will be more accurate, non-politicised and properly peer-reviewed.
Some warming is evident, that is accepted, whether the rate is catastrophically alarming or unprecedented is disputed.

The best thing that could happen for climate science now is that all data, studies and models are published on the web and allowed to be scrutinised by all stake holders (i.e the global populace) who feel so inclined.


"Luke, when you need to rely on ridiculous exaggerations in every comment you make, it's a good sign that you're not being objective or rational."

oh, you mean like the IPCC report? thanks for clearing up for us that you think the IPCC report has no credibility.

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