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Unless a person from overseas is appointed and the government put the required money into a full inquiry, the public cannot have any confidence in the Commissioner of Police.

Their latest botch up was not being transparent regarding Clint Rickards.

Nothing has changed in 40 years on how deviant and unscrupulous the police are capable of being.


I would much rather they put their resources into crime that is happening today and tomorrow.

I don't know if Thomas or Crewe are being "coached" in generating this publicity, but I think that what the police have offered for a case that is 40 years "cold" - its a great offer.


Peter - there is effectively a criminal who has never been charged in Hutton. Just because it happened decades ago doesn't mean that he should never be punished for it. In my eyes - this is a 'current' crime.


"there is effectively a criminal who has never been charged in Hutton. Just because it happened decades ago doesn't mean that he should never be punished for it. In my eyes - this is a 'current' crime.'

Yeah, Ben.

It's the same as a number thieving, embezzling lawyers, etc who got off scott free for their crimes and perjury, etc in the 1970s along with a host of other bent civil servants and police officers.

Same as the head of the M.O.T in Auckland admitting off the record in the 1970s. "They had a policy not to employ 'honest' traffic officers"!


After Popes effort of stitching up Scott Watson he should be very good at recognising the signs of a frame up.

The Op Tam report on his conduct is a lot more critical of him and his methods is quite different to the snow job the IPCA rushed out to beat the Herald on Sunday's story.
Why is it that the reports on botched up investigations are "not in the public interest" to release. ie Kahui Twins, Op Tam, the report on the new liaison officer to London and his illegal behaviour, seems if you want get to the top practice extreme corruption and to get really high up break a few laws


This morning on Morning Report Pope gave the excuse that Smith forwarded the White complaint on. Pope also said that Smith was an experienced able officer.

Something not right here. Did Smith follow the Edward Trappitt policing standars of best practise? In 1991 I had an area commander do exactly what Smith has done. The complaint was in regard to a ministerial police inquiry into Colin Moyle.

Three current superintendents have been reiterating Clint Rickards defamatory statement to the last three ministers of police as well as adding other defamation.

The CIB Inspector who bullied me in February 1979 is another Smith as he to recieved an overseas posting.

I also believe the ex boyfriend cop who ruined my life is still a cop.

The full police evidence into Colin Moyle is still in lock up after nearly 24 years.

I have had a guts full of the senior cops (including the police commissioner) I have dealt with from PNHQ.

In 2002 Robinson recieved 30 attachments, my police file in 2006 consisted of two pages.

Unfortunately the public have not heard the last of Clint Rickards or how CORRUPT some NZ cops are.


I need to correct two things. It was a District (not area) Commander in 1991 who sabotaged the investigation, he contacted the wrong cop. The full police evidence in to Colin Moyle has been in lock up for nearly 34 years. The Attorney General of the day ordered it to be locked away for 25 years.


I agree that an independent inquiry is required for a fresh investigation; nobody would trust a NZ police inquiry.

And isn't it suspicious that Hutton has never been charged or sued, despite the Royal Commission finding that he and the late Johnston planted evidence, and pulled othe dirty tricks to railroad Thomas.

Mind you, Wishart's theory about Johnston being the killer sounds too far-fetched to me, although I do believe he was a rotten apple.

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