It must be hard coming up with new ideas for reality shows to put on TV.
But they make good fodder for TV channels being cheap to make and all. And seeing ordinary folks making jackasses of themselves is a sure ratings boost.
Nor is finding the stars particularly difficult, there are plenty of wanna be celebrities willing to sacrifice their dignity to obtain their fifteen minutes of fame.
So it is not all that surprising that reality TV has become a staple of twenty-first century stay at home entertainment.
But in your wildest imagination did you ever think that anyone would come up with the idea of making a reality show involving people living under the sharia for three weeks in the Yorkshire dales?
Now try and imagine what sort of people might they find to feature in such a show?
How about a gay hairdresser for starters, or an atheist taxi driver with a penchant for porn? A stripper with a flashing hobby also joins a cast of characters who are guided through living life as a devout Muslims by mentors drawn from that faith.
I suppose the incongruity of a skin care consultant working in a beauty salon in Harrogate wearing a burka for three weeks has some sort of odd appeal but all in all it will turn out to be a fine example of trash TV would be my guess.
Still there are limits and I'm fairly sure that no floggings, amputations, beheadings or stonings of participants who fail to live up to precepts of Islamic law during the course of the program will be shown, since the English justice system still prevails Northern Yorkshire and that currently takes a somewhat dim view of such punishments.
And, as we all surely have realized by now, there not much actual reality on display when it comes to reality TV.
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