Well according to this story from the BBC based upon a to be paper published the Journal of Environment Economics and Management, anyway, China overtook the USA as the biggest polluter around about 2005 or 2006.
Although how a compound that has been part of the earths atmosphere since creation can be classed as pollution strikes me as an absurdity. But then politics and politicians are generally absurd and the political convenience of lambasting carbon based energy sources as a mechanism for gaining control over peoples lives and the creation of phantom products (carbon credits) is too good an opportunity for the power hungry to ignore.
Incidentally it is now 10 years since "the warmest year on record" which was according to the methodology of the alarmists 1998. That 1998 was the warmest year on record is a matter of some dispute since the records and methodology for defining how warm a year is or was has not been consistent "since records have been kept". There is good reason to believe that using the current methods and definitions that the "warmest year since records have been kept" actually occurred sometime during the nineteen thirties but that is an "inconvenient truth".
Whatever, now we have the much heralded free trade agreement with China we can help them get even further ahead in the race to become the biggest carbon emitter by selling them more of our West Coast Coal to fuel the industries that produce the products we will buy in exchange.
And the global warming industry will continue to flourish by morphing into the climate change industry as the predictions of the IPCC fail to come to fruition.
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