Always amusing to watch the mainstream media duck, weave and obfuscate when it comes to stories broken by Investigate. If there's any chance of giving the magazine a good kicking, they're all over us like a rash. Otherwise, they simply plagiarise and steal our stories. Take TVNZ's One News - watching their bulletins last night you'd think the Air New Zealand story had mysteriously dropped from the sky into their laps - a gift from the fairies perhaps. No mention at all that it was an Investigate story, which is standard journalistic practice. Then there's Newstalk ZB. You'll remember this was the station that tried to ridicule Investigate's police corruption coverage, and then refused to run any story at all when we tabled hard documentary evidence of corruption. Despite running a whingeing press release from Air New Zealand trying to bag Investigate, ZB failed to run Investigate's response at all.
UPDATE: Newstalk ZB's Richard Sutherland is onto this now, and trying to find out why their email systems lost our news release...Main point is they're giving us right of reply, so honour is restored on all sides, hatchet buried.
What about TV3's Nightline? It picked up on the outraged squawks of aviation writer Peter Clark, including his allegation that our entire story must be rubbish because the cover was Photoshopped. Did Nightline contact Investigate to clarify? No. Did Nightline bother to check whether TV3 already had the facts in house? No. The record will disclose that 3News Wellington chief Gordon McBride was told by us at 2pm that the cover was a photoshopped montage. Nightline went to air 8.5 hours later with its facts wrong. The irony of a TV channel doing a news story critical of Investigate fact-checking, whilst itself falling flat, was not lost on me. Earlier in the night, of course, Campbell Live led off with reportage of its own claiming that one of the Air New Zealand flights had strayed into a no-fly zone (hence the fighter escort that Air New Zealand denies).
You didn't think our story was confined merely to some military charter flights, did you? Heck no. Here's just a snippet of some of the things Air New Zealand staff have told us:
(ON AVIATION SECURITY SERVICE:) "The hand-held metal detectors they use do not work near the floor as there are metal rods in the concrete. Anyone can take whatever they like onto an aircraft by simply placing an item in their shoes.
"A senior officer grabbed the ears of an officer and banged his head against the car door for not knowing where the spare wheel was kept in one of their cars. There are apparently many breaches of human rights in this organization, staff I spoke to were baffled as to how they get away with it.
"IDs are never checked. Recently at the Air NZ gate, an Air NZ staff member tested Aviation Security by going through the checkpoint with a photograph of a monkey on the ID. It was not picked up."
"...The final crunch, in this long series of leaks, however, comes from a former staff member who alleges the airline evaded Fringe Benefit Tax on staff travel.
"John Armstrong is a former Air New Zealand travelcentre manager, whose biggest claim to fame perhaps was creating the so-called "Pink Flights" to cater for the gay and lesbian market back in 1998. Although he left the airline in 2001, Armstrong, himself gay, watched from the sidelines when this year’s Pink Flight hit the news headlines as gay travelers and politicians joined the flight for a weekend trip to the Gay Mardi Gras in Sydney.
"So far, no big deal, you might say. Except for this. Armstrong alleges he didn’t jump, he was pushed, and in the course of trying to remedy his situation he has passed a lot of information to his local MP, Prime Minister Helen Clark. Information that includes extremely serious allegations of tax evasion by the government-owned airline.
"Armstrong claims his information has never been followed up, as no-one from the IRD has interviewed him or asked for the evidence he holds..."
All of this and more in the print edition article on Air New Zealand, out today.
Is it the real thing or just another stunt to suck dollars from the purses of women worldwide? A Canadian company claims to have developed a chocolate bar that alleviates the symptoms of PMS.
Hot on the heels of the Mattel toy recall, news this morning that cheap babies bibs manufactured in China have been found to contain dangerous levels of that Mums and Dads will undoubtedly be delighted to hear over breakfast. Is there anything made in China that is actually safe for human use?
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